iBuyBack (WTB) Service

iBuyBack MobileMart.io iBuyBack (Want To Buy) Service allows individual members to provide buyback services for NEW smartphones and tablets.
View BuyBack Offers

  • Q: How do I specify the devices I wish to BuyBack?
    A: You can setup/update your BuyBack Price at: MobileMart.io/BuyBack by searching for the phone/tablet models and selecting the corresponding icon or
    search using device model at MobileMart.io/OfferBuyBackSearch

    After setting up price info your devices will be available to all members at: MobileMart.io/BuyBack / BuyBackMall.com

  • Q: How does a BuyBack work?
    A: You will be notified via email with device specifications and seller contact whenever a member sells you their device via BuyBack. You will be able to communicate directly with the seller for the followup arrangements.

  • Q: Can I offer BuyBack services for other/used Devices?
    A: Please join our Repair Network partners to offer full range of buyback (new/used phones tablets game consoles wearables macbooks) and repair services on MobileMart.io.